Carbon Monoxide In Your Car Information

The vast majority of us know that it is incredibly dangerous to leave a car running in a garaged that is closed. This is because it is possible to be affected by carbon monoxide poisoning. In fact, this is still a very common way for people who commit suicide, as they simply run a tube from their exhaust into their car and sit there until they fall asleep. Although we all know about this, very few of us know that carbon monoxide in your car can also happen because your exhaust system is leaking. Most people never realize this is happening because they don’t spend very long periods of time in their vehicles. Perhaps you sometimes develop a severeheadache during the day.

You may not immediately – or at all – think that this has anything to do with carbon monoxide in your car. Most people, with the power of hindsight, do notice that the headaches appear only in the vehicle, get worse and worse over time and seem to get better as soon as they are out of the car. It has been known for this headache to turn into severe pressure, and eventually spreading into the neck and the face. At this point, people often also develop weakness and nausea and will seek medical attention. However, the most common medical treatment that will be provided with these types of symptoms is an MRI, which will come back completely clear. A good medical professional will continue their investigations, but they will look at viral infections before considering carbon monoxide in your car. They may notice that there is some swelling in the brain, further evidence to the medical world of a viral infection, and provide you with steroid injections. The reality of this, however, is that none of this will work, not even the antibiotics you will likely be given as a precaution. Read more…

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